aicep Global Parques contributes in the reflection on Chinese Investment trends in Southern Europe
Francisco Mendes Palma, CEO of aicep Global Parques, participated in the Conference “China Investment in Europe “, that took place on 22th March at the Nova Business School, in Lisbon.
Francisco Mendes Palm took part as a speaker in the Rountable 1 with the subject “Trends in Chinese Investment in Europe” where he highlighted the following ideas:
Chinese investment in Europe, namely in Southern Europe should move to a second stage – green-field investment on tradable goods and services – essential to promote globalization or, at least, global relations between China and Southern Europe.
China prepared well its preliminaries, such as:
1. Wide diplomatic presence;
2. Accession to regional and international Organizations and Protocols that promote globalization;
3. Specific human resources formation and Public bodies, e.g.;:
I. Forum Macau: relations among China and Portuguese Speaking Countries;
II. AIBO – Academy for International Business Officials.
At present, China is promoting two relevant strategies – “Silk Road, Economic Belt” and “Maritime Silk Road for the 21st century” – which success stand on a status quo scenario[1], that the world keeps its growth trend, with ups and downs, for the next 20 years.
But if Scenarios change?
- Global Commons – increased concern towards natural resources and environment, aiming to a more developed and sustainable World, with more equal wealth distribution.
States will increase their engagement with these development trendlines? - Competing Nations – States will act on its own interest, less focused on global agreements for sustainable development and international shared development tools and strategies.
Globalization will break down: more protectionism and less economic development?
Regardless the evolution, in Economic Roads you carry tangible tradable goods that existence implies making investments, in different stops of the Road, to promote global economic relations and more affordable and competitive freight prices (if containers go empty in one of the sense of the trade, its price increases being an obstacle to globalisation). That is why it is relevant that investment takes place, at least, in both ends of the Road – China and Southern Europe – for there to be production that is tradable and promotes globalisation.
Portugal can make a positive difference in the relations between China and Southern Europe for its location and soft skills, among other characteristics, such as incentives, public policies and resources. Portugal can provide China assets that enhance the objectives of the “Silk Roads”, like the industrial and maritime complex of Sines (www.globalparques.pt), a full integrated maritime, logistic and industrial (assembling) hub to Iberia, to Western Europe and to North and South Atlantic.
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