Conference on International Connectivity and the EU-Atlantic Data Gateway Platform
Taking place on 27 and 28 May 2021, online and at ZILS – Sines Industrial and Logistics Zone, the ”Conference on International Connectivity and the EU Atlantic Data Gateway Platform”, seeks to promote the sharing of strategies between different national and international stakeholders: network operators, OTTs, data centres, telehouses and IXPs, manufacturers/suppliers of undersea cables and promoters of international undersea cable projects.
Filipe Costa, aicep Global Parques CEO will participate on 28th may at Session 3 “Developing the data value chain: Expanding and making the most of data storage, processing and distribution” .
The event is being held under the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union (PPUE21), and has been organised jointly by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing and by ANACOM, with the support of aicep Global Parques.
The event will be held following a hybrid model, comprising physical attendance at ZILS, and remote participation online.
See the programme and make your registration here
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